What is Scarring Hair Loss? Scarring alopecia, also known as cicatratial alopecia, is a potentially irreversible destruction of the hair follicle that results in their replacement with scar tissue. A relatively rare hair disorder, this type of alopecia occurs in 3 percent of all hair loss patients, and can be tricky to diagnose because the symptoms and visual indicators are similar to those with other hair loss conditions.
What is Scarring Hair Loss?
Scarring alopecia, also known as cicatratial alopecia, is a potentially irreversible destruction of the hair follicle that results in their replacement with scar tissue. A relatively rare hair disorder, this type of alopecia occurs in 3 percent of all hair loss patients, and can be tricky to diagnose because the symptoms and visual indicators are similar to those with other hair loss conditions. The symptoms can occur gradually, or in more severe cases can be accompanied by severe itching, burning, crusting and pain. The developed areas can also turn red, blister and become filled with pus. A proper diagnose would include a skin biopsy to determine the type, location and severity of inflammation. But the good news is that are effective non-surgical hair replacement options to treating hair loss as a result of scarring.
Non-surgical Treatment Options
Most forms scarring alopecias caused by neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that responds to infection or wounds, are treated by eliminating the microbes that trigger the inflammation. Scarring alopecias that involve mostly lymphocyte inflammation of hair follicles, such as lichen planopilaris and pseudopelade, are generally treated with tropical creams that contain corticosteroids and by injection into the affected skin. Other forms may be best treated with antimalarial and isotretinoin drugs, or more common prescriptions may include a combination of oral antibiotics, retinoids and other anti-inflammatory medications. Treatment goals include preventing surrounding follicles from being destroyed, reducing symptoms, and slowing down the progression of hair loss.
If you’re experiencing scarring hair loss, don’t despair. There are safe and effective non-surgical treatments that can reduce permanent hair loss and restore growth. A biopsy is the most effective form of diagnosis and it’s best to seek one as soon as symptoms appear. Consult with a trichologist to determine which treatment plan is best for you.